Blogging and Money
In the real world, when a child born, he first learns walking then eating and then talking etc. After learning basic things he goes to school for study; he continues his education for years and in last he gets a degree from a University after 14 or 15 years. Having completed education, he starts searching for job and prepare himself for new challenges and finally he gets a job somewhere and he starts earning money offline.
The same formula applies for earning money online on the internet. In early stages, you will come to see internet then you will understand what is internet? and later on, you'll learn internet. After that, you'll find a lot more on the internet. You will find countless number of articles, pictures and videos about making money online on the web. So today we will discuss how to earn money online on the internet?. But we'll only discuss blogging, through which we can earn money online.
What is Blogging?
As told, we'd discuss about making money online with blogging in Pakistan [also in other countries]. In order to earn money online with blogging; first we should know what basically blogging is?. Cool, now What is blogging?; if things are kept simple then blogging is called publishing content online every day, every week or some often. The blog is same like an offline diary where you write your daily routine or something interesting in it, daily or weekly. Therefore in online world, we publish our content i.e text, images, videos etc on a blog; and that is called blogging.
What are the requirements for Blogging?
The basic requirements for blogging will be given in a list that are very basic points in blogging. As you do blogging online on the internet, so you should know, how to engage yourself with internet. Now following requirements are the basics for starting blogging internationally:
Strong English: As you know English is an internationally spoken language and it is the first point that forces you to start blogging online.
Tip: [English can be improved by visiting these websites:,, and also find Mr. Duncon in England on]
Web Designing: For starting blogging, you'll need to have a basic understanding of web designing. Because, you'll manage all your blogging work online with a website or blog. For learning web designing you should start with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Blogger etc.
Tip [All web languages can easily be learnt at:]
Writing Skills: If your English is strong, it doesn't mean you'll also be a good writer. Writing is something more then strong verbal skills in any language. So you should also improve your writing by reading hundreds of articles online.
SEO: Search Engine Optimization is also a factor in Blogging that you must know. The basics of SEO is enough to optimize your blog's content for the search engines. So they will be visible for everyone on the globe.
Where to Start Blogging?
To start blogging you can use many online platforms such as: Blogger, WordPress, Typed and blog etc. But, I would recommend you to use either WordPress or blogger for blogging. They are so awesome for designing your blog and managing all things together.
Basic Tips for Blogging
When you start a blog consider some tips that may take you to a level where you will be flying on the sky, but always remember the earth as well. Here are some tips that you can implement after establishing a blog:
- First write daily on your blog or at least 3 articles/posts per week.
- Design your blog and keep it as simple as possible.
- After posting some articles optimize it with SEO.
- Create backlinks and social media profiles for your blog
- Share your blog with friends and other bloggers
- Offer something new on your blog
- Work on Making readership
- Make a schedule for your blogging
- Set your goals (visitors, readers, ranking etc)
- At starting don’t think about money but about your targets
Time period for a successful Blogging Career
For becoming a successful or at least a blogger, you'll have to spend at least 6 months. In these six months, you can build up your online world. You can work on your blog consistently but you must not think about giving up blogging. Because at the beginning, you'll face some difficulties in Blogging. But after facing those difficult moments; you'd get more success than you expected.
How to Earn Money Online with Blogging?
After working consistently on your blog for at least 6 months, you can start earning a living from it. You should have at least 300 to 600 daily visitors on your blog after 6 months. Also, you should have some readers/followers for your blog. So, you can now convert your blog visitors and readers into money.
For making money with your blog, you can apply for the following services that can give you opportunities to earn money with your blog:
Google Adsense: Adsense is a Google's product that provides bloggers the opportunity to insert their ads into their blogs and earn money from it. If your blog is having good content and design, you can earn money with Adsense easily.
BuySellAds: It is another great direct advertisement network; which is the best for blog or website. You can use this service for earning money online with blogging, They have some requirements for new bloggers, so you can create an account with BSA and know more about them.
Affiliate Marketing: If you have good content on your blog then you can make thousands of dollars online by using affiliate links inside your blog. Affiliate marketing is a hot term that is used to earn money online.
PPC Ads: Everything in blogging depends on traffic, so if you have decent amount of traffic on your blog then PPC [Pay Pay Click] is also a great solution for making money with blogging. PPC ads networks are Chatika, Clicksor, Kontera, Adhits and so on. Note: Only use them in case if you don't have adsense or buysellads accounts.
How much can I earn by blogging?
There is no earning limit in blogging, in starting you can earn $100 to $200 every month, but later on, you can even make thousands of dollars monthly through your blogs, all depends on your online reputation and original traffic you receive for your original content.
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